How to enjoy the LNY with minimum discomfort

The lunar new year can be such an exciting season with the feasts, snacks, and boisterous reunions. But it can also be a tad overwhelming, especially when reunions come with a disclaimer of having to field awkward, nosy questions at the dinner table, or dealing with post-meal bloating. Plus, if you’re spending the holiday alone, the festivities everywhere you look can exacerbate feelings of loneliness, and make this a particularly difficult period to endure.

From us to you, here are a few tips on enjoying the lunar new year with as little discomfort as possible.

How to tackle awkward questions and probing relatives

“How well did your kid do in their exams?”
“Why haven’t you had kids yet?”
“So, did you get a promotion already?”

The barrage of questions we have to field during this season has become a running joke among most of us — and yet, it seems these questions will never go away. Remember that it’s perfectly okay to set boundaries and prioritise your own comfort during this season. If you don’t want to answer a question, simply state you would rather not talk about it. You can also try changing the subject. If you want to defuse tension, you can also rely on humour. Here are some handy responses:

Q: “Why haven’t you had kids yet?”

A: “I’m still trying to figure out how to take care of myself — having kids might be a bit ambitious!” or “I’m not responsible enough to take care of a plan, let alone a child!”

Q: “How much are you making now?”

A: “Oh I’m just a simple salaried person. Nothing too exciting to report. What’s more exciting is travelling now that travel is so much easier! Where are you going this year?”

How to avoid overeating and prevent bloating

With enticing seasonal treats and a social calendar arranged around meals, it can be hard to mindful of what you’re eating during this period. Remember that it’s perfectly ok to indulge in your favourite treats — the new year only comes by every once a year, after all! If you’re prone to uncomfortable bloating, or simply want to eat more mindfully during this time, here are some tips that can help:

  1. Take your time at the dinner table, and chew your food thoroughly to aid digestion.

  2. Limit your intake of festive drinks like tea, carbonated or sugary drinks, and alcohol, as they can contribute to bloating.

  3. Don't overindulge on high-sodium foods like preserved meats, which can cause your body to retain water and lead to bloating.

  4. Choose fresh, low-sodium options like vegetables and steamed dishes to help reduce bloating. If possible, load up on these options first while eating. You can also enjoy lighter meals in between feasting.

  5. Drinking peppermint tea, which has antispasmodic properties, can help relieve bloat. Ginger tea can also help aid digestion.

  6. Drink enough water to help aid digestion, flush out excess sodium, and prevent constipation. 

  7. Need extra help? Reach for Moom’s de/bloat for digestive relief in under 60 minutes. Available at our Raffles City flagship store.

How to overcome loneliness during the festive season

It’s completely natural to feel anxious or worried about being alone, especially during times when there can be a lot of pressure to be with others. Whether you are unable to partake in lunar new year festivities because you may be away from friends and family, experiencing a recent loss or breakup, working or grappling with health issues, it’s normal for feelings of loneliness to come up if you’re spending the season solo. 

However, it's important to remember that being alone is not the same as being lonely. Loneliness is a feeling that comes from a lack of meaningful connections with others, and one that we all experience from time to time.

If you suspect the upcoming season may leave you feeling lonely, try focusing on building and strengthening your relationships with others. This might involve reaching out to friends and family — if you can’t meet with them physically, schedule a call or even pen a letter. Volunteering in your community during this time can also feel especially meaningful and also help you feel connected to other social groups — for example, you can choose to celebrate the season with seniors by being a community befriender.   

You can also use the time to find ways to feel connected to yourself. This might include activities like journaling, meditation, or spending time in nature. Choosing to engage in simple activities that bring you joy, such as cooking, reading, or even watching your favourite movie, can help.

Happy Lunar New Year from all of us at Sunday Bedding. Please note the change in opening hours during this season:

📍 Sunday Bedding at i12 Katong 
Opens 11am – 6pm on 21 Jan
Closed on 22 Jan. Open from 23 Jan

📍 Sunday Bedding at Raffles City
Opens 11am – 6pm on 21 Jan
Closed on 22 and 23 Jan. Open from 24 Jan

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